Monday, July 20, 2009


so I just looked back at all of my posts and discovered one very important thing.


i should probably get on that.
or maybe not. maybe i LIKE being a tool.

Whatever. It's not like people actually read this thing anyway...
k it's time for an exciting day of...PAINTINGmaybe.

gooooodbye darlings.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

and he carries a reminder

of every blow that cut him til he cried out,
in his anger and his shame
i am leaving
i am leaving
but the fighter still remains..
-The Boxer, Simon & Garfunkel

HALLO. This is my first post in aBOUTTTT a million years. That is because I have been super busy.
I...was, as my ex-roomate said perfectly, in an absolute state of euphoria for the past two weeks.
I met the most incredible people, and luckily enough, most of them live very close by. :D I was really really scared to go to BU, but it actually turned out to be incredible, in many more ways than one :) ALSO fun fact: I only took like 90 pictures but a couple of the pictures were possibly a couple of the best (or most meaningful tehe) I will ever take. Hehe.
It was such a short period of time, though. I really wished we would've had another weekend. I've been going through such huge withdrawal today that I've basically spent most of the day looking at pictures or texting people from BU.
Well anyway. I love you guys so much...and thank you. Thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou THANKYOU x 239874238 for making these past two weeks absolutely ROCK. I miss you all so much already.

I...SAW HARRY POTTER TODAY. The experience was kind of funny- it got well reviewed, but a lot of my friends didn't really like it. But of course I was gonna see it anyway...I mean, who do you think I am? Ha well. It far exceeded my expectations. Of course, I will go for anything with Daniel Radcliffe (naked or not), Alan Rickman (who is absolutely bloody brilliant) (tehe), or Jason Isaacs (who plays Lucius but had far too little screen time in HP6). But people...go see it. It was not bad at all. I absolutely loved parts of it. I do admit, some of the whole hormonal/romantic stuff was not entirely needed, but it did give Rupert Grint a little while to actually look completely dopey and adorable. The CGI was pretty spot-on as well. So. Go see it, if you already haven't! And then tell me what you think.

I...still need to see BRUNO. I know this is kinda turning into a film-based post, but I'm so obsessed with film that a huge percentage of my actual conversations in real life are based around film, so I can't really help it. Deal with it :) I KNOW, I KNOW. People came out of it being like, "Well...if you like 2 hours of gay porn, feel free!" or "Waste of 10 bucks!" or "That was completely disgusting. Oh my god." but do remember...this is Sacha Baron Cohen. The crazy-ass (literally) guy who brought us characters like Ali-G and Borat. I mean, come on, people! If you didn't expect something completely ridiculous, you really didn't need to see it. I think especially with all of the anti-gay stuff around these days, people need to be shocked. Hey...even my MOM wants to see it. AH. I know. But don't worry, if and when I see will not be with her.
...God. *shiver*

It's late again. And I'm almost always posting these when it's late. I guess it's because I don't have anything better to do than my feelings with the Internet? Weird...

Well, I think I'm gonna go read now. I was planning on trying to read The Lovely Bones again...but I don't know. I literally had to put it down the first time I tried because the combination of that and having just seen one of my friends in a play, playing a rape victim kind of scared the shit out of me. And I don't's late and all...
Jeez. Whenever I get in this kinda reading mode, I inevitably have to grab something ridiculous out of my or something...because I have to read before I go to sleep.

GAH. I miss everyone so hurts :(
Anyway...if anyone's bored right now: go watch the "Where the Wild Things Are" trailer on Youtube. Blew my mind.

Mmk. I love you aiusdh942nfak;laohfa.
Bye. xx

Song of the Day: Boston- Augustana