Friday, December 25, 2009

Holy crap, I am really sorry

I have neglected this for more than a month. Jesus Christ. ('s Christmas...ha...) Well, actually, it's not Christmas anymore. It's 23 minutes past it. I hope everyone was in good cheer and got lots of presents and blah blah blah. But seriously, from what I've heard, it was a good one. I hope everyone had fun.

I, I went into Chinatown with my family, as any typical Jew would on Christmas, and ate Chinese food. I also bought a shitload of Chinese food and candy, which I'm a sucker for (unfortunately). I've been eating it all night, but my brother finished his little bag of candy in the half hour time period right after buying it. Woooo..

I also watched Up for the first time today. My god. What a terrific movie. Seriously, Pixar, you are fantastic. Not that we don't know that already.

ANNNNNNDD on the subject of movies, movies and plays are my focus this break. I even made a list.

Movies to See/Watch
  • Avatar
  • Up in the Air
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • Me and Orson Welles
  • Crazy Heart
  • Invictus
  • A Single Man

and on DVD...Star Trek (...I know, I know, but I got it for Hanukkah and it makes me almost as happy [if not a bit more] than Ferris Bueller so...yeah), North By Northwest (another Hanukkah present...Cary Grant <3),>

SO FAR I HAVE SEEN: Avatar. Fantastic Mr. Fox. Up. Star Trek. North by Northwest.

I've been trying to do, like, one a day so I don't get TOOO fat by just sitting and watching movies. OK. Quick reviews of movies in theatres:


Holy mother of GOD. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. This is a phenomonal movie. It is possibly the most visually pleasing and mindblowingly beautiful film I have seen in my entire life. All the acting is done wonderfully, especially Michelle Rodriguez's little part- she kicks ass. Such a great movie. Please see it, if not for the storyline then just for the experience, before it leaves theatres. Which won't be anytime soon, so you're lucky.

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Holy mother of God! This is ALSO a great movie. Like Avatar, the animation is fantastic but obviously in a completely different way. I've always been partial to stop-motion because I grew up on Wallace and Gromit (Hardy har har..) but this just blew my mind. The addition of the voices of Meryl Streep, George Clooney, and the guy who voices Kristofferson (...sorry, actor) were great as well. Overall, an entirely satisfying movie. An adorable story told by adorable puppets. Just go see it. And be happy.

Okay. I also saw West Side Story (ergh) and Superior Donuts (YAY!)...which are plays, for those who don't know, but I'll be reviewing them in the next post. Sorry for so much movie-talk, but that's really what is running through my head most of the time.

I hope everyone had a great holiday, and for my jewish brothers and sisters I hope your Hanukkahs were as great as mine :)

....and to all a good night!

Bye. xx

Song of the Day: every christmas carol but especially Mariah Carey's...and I See You- Leona Lewis.