Wednesday, February 10, 2010

hello, snow.

Hi everyone.

I'm sitting in my room (close this window now if you don't want to hear about my day, because that's what this is going to be about. okay.) and looking out my window. The snow is STILL coming down pretty damn steadily, and everytime I look, it makes me happy. I mean, I love when I wake up and the snow has already stopped and it's all quiet and stuff, but it just feels so wonderful to be inside and for it to still be snowing. I don't know why I can't explain it, but I know some people must feel the same way.
Okay. I just read a chapter of my book for AP English, Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. It is QUITE POSSIBLY the BEST book I've read in a very long time, and I'm really enjoying it. Unfortunately, the chapter I just spent an hour reading wasn't that exciting...and therefore this part of the post isn't that exciting either. What I'm saying it, I was sitting here reading and listening to the Hair soundtrack on my speakers (...duh?) and looking out the window, and I kept getting the strangest feeling. Everytime I looked out the window my heart almost skipped a beat...which I find really strange. It keeps happening to me even as I'm writing, now, and a smile was actually just brought to my face as I looked at the mini-forest in my backyard and all of the outlines of the black trees compared to the snow weighing them down. My stomach almost feels like butterflies and I'm actually starting to really wonder why I'm feeling like this. I guess...I mean, I don't really know, but I'm just glad about this day. I've had kind of a hard time with my family lately, and it's just nice to be able to sit here and watch something that's completely out of my control, like NATURE! :)

If you're reading this today, after I've posted, go look out your window. Periodically a gust of wind will bring the snow crashing (softly, but nonetheless crashing) against your window, and it might leave a little design with the snowflakes. I don't know why I feel so poetic right now, but I guess it might be for a couple of reasons.

1) Valentine's Day is coming up, so there's a lot of energy. Everywhere. At school, in the city, in stores, and especially in Hallmark. If you want to see the post I'm proudest of on here, it's actually about Valentine's Day. Go to the sidebar thingy and look for February 2009, and it'll be one of the posts in that folder. Go read that, and then come back here. I'll wait. done? Good.
Well, it's not that I'm NOT a fan of Valentine's Day, because I love love (..hah) but it just makes me a little sad. I'm not going to rant about it being Single's Awareness Day (oh hardy har...SAD as an acronym...ergh) or anything, but it is kind of disappointing how commercialized it is. I appreciate that people want to show how much they love (or appreciate) each other at this point in the game, but I always make handmade valentines. Buying them from Hallmark or whatever seems cute, but it actually means so much more if you actually write something yourself.
I'm not saying I don't WANT someone to be with me on Valentine's Day, because come one! Don't kid yourself if you're single. There's bound to be something in the back of your head saying that, but I really have recently realized how appreciative I can be of my life UNTIL I get someone who actually really matters. I have, by far, the most incredible friends at Masters and elsewhere and I am so constantly filled up with love that it makes me feel all fluttery and what not. I have learned to love because of them, so I'll be ready when someone, who I probably don't even know yet, is as well. I like the candy on Valentine's day, though. Except those chalky hearts. My heart almost broke when I found out at the bakery that the "Fax Me" ones have been terminated. :(

2) The weather, obviously. (Did you forget what I was talking about? A refresher: why I feel so poetryish. You're welcome.) I don't need to talk more about it, but it's just SO damn beautiful.

3) The fact that I feel kind of productive today. I've already done SOME homework, but I am planning on doing more after this. APUSH HERE I COME.

Yeah. I guess that's it.
ALSO: Hair posted a thing last night for NYC students giving them discounts because of the snow day...and I got SO excited and was actually about 2 seconds from going in today until I realized it would be MUCH more convenient if I actually lived in the city and wasn't scared of the fact that the trains wouldn't be able to return me to Westchester. Brr. I'm kinda disappointed because this seemed like a good opportunity, but seriously? Who am I kidding? I don't know how this show has developed into such a big part of me, but I love it. So that's why I listened/sang to the soundtrack today.
(Sorry, boring.)

Anyway. If anyone reads this, thanks. Of course now, my parents are yelling about work and stuff, so I guess I'll get up and close the door which means I need to end this post.

Thanks, guys, and know that I love you.
<3 I really do.

Have a delicious snow day, NY people.
Bye. xx

Song of the Day: I don't know, actually. I've listened to so much music today, so: the Hair Soundtracks, the Aquabats, Title of Show and the sounds of the Food Network. heh.



  1. i think waiting so long for this post was worth it.
    its beautiful :)
    thanks a lot!

